Welcome to Carat Design
Welcome to Carat Design - An exclusive jewelry store situated in the heart of Aalborg, Denmark.
In our workshop we create quality handmade jewelry from our own designs and custom work tailored from the ideas of our customers.
Because your jewelry carries sentimental value, it is important to us that our crafted pieces of jewelry match your desires. We can help update existing jewelry designs or assist you in turning a family heirloom into something new.
We specialize in jewelry with gemstones and are capable of producing the exact piece of jewelry that you wish to have.
Vores smykker er i klassisk tidløs stil og udføres hovedsageligt i 14 og 18 karats guld eller platin. Ydermere har vi egen import af guld- og platinkæder og lagerf��rer derfor mange specielle og unikke variationer. Da vi har gemmolog Peter Kynde (G.I.A. uddannet) tilknyttet huset, udfører vi tillige vurdering og certicificering af smykker og ædelstene.
We always aim to give our customers first-class professional advice on buying and investing in jewellery. Visit our gallery on this page and get inspiration for your jewelry, or visit the store on Møllegade 17 in Aalborg, at Mølleå Plads.
Finn Klitgaard
Welcome to Carat Design